Saturday, 30 March 2019

No Justice, No Peace

How many more of us will sacrifice their time or their lives at such young and
vibrant ages? And how many of our men?

Not that all of them are willing to fight for us specifically, but how many more of them
must remain lost-confused or kidnapped and murdered before they can even fully learn,
fully grasp that they are a child of the real Living God?

How many black families will be dreamed of, never to exist? How many more black
children will never be born or even conceived, or  barely born and raised?

What do we stand for? For Whom do we stand? Who are we willing to allow to
impregnate our wombs?

Are all black Christian men leaving the church for months, years, and decades at a time
for good? Are black Christian men who are really the dedicated to Christ, going extinct? And
what are they- or who are they- choosing to lead them in Jesus's place?

Why is an orisha or Guru or Shaman or Google more steadfast and trustworthy than the
One who created the multiverse, hears our cries and is waiting for the appointed Vengeance
Time to deliver full justice?

The time for safety, peace and humanity is now. What are you willing to do today?

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